Run: Easy Previous Next


2.5 mi


11:36 mi


130 lb


80 F
  • Map


Best run I've had in ages, obviously because I was with Tracy. SUPER impressed with myself after the day I had - couldn't sleep from 4-6am because Dan got up to drive Tom to the airport and then I was to anxious to sleep, then drove out to Harper's and went tubing in the sun for about two hours (decent amount of kicking and hand paddling!), then had a huge lunch and a WINE tasting - it was a big day! I'm sure my anxiousness about school is a large part of why I had the energy to go out there, but Tracy helped a lot too, I hope we run together more. She's a good pace for me, just out of my comfort zone (unless she was going super slowly because of me! I hope not).
