Bike: Long Previous Next


8:30 AM

31.5 mi


16.15 mi / hr


158 lb


73 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Started out sunny. 5 minutes after starting my left pedal came off. I had noticed my cleat felt loose but couldn't figure out why until the pedal popped off my foot and the bike and went rolling on the trail. Luckily it stayed on the trail or i might have lost it off the bridge i was on at the time. Was able to get it back on with my hands though I'll need to get it tightened so it doesn't happen again.

Planned to bike out an hour turn around and come back. 5 minutes after turning around the sky let loose..thunder lighting and hella rain. Was actually kinda fun. Was thoroughly drenched when i got back to my car. Luckily the ipod never shorted out and my cell phone was nice and dry in my little bike bag under my seat. I was pleased with my average pace when i was done.

Sounds like a lot of drama, but i actually really enjoyed the ride.
