Run: Tempo Previous Next


5 mi


7:55 mi

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<No name>


1.5m WU

5 mi @ 8:00

1.5m CD

2 miles at tempo, 30 second recovery, 2 miles at tempo, recover, 1 miles at tempo. Tempo pace adjust to 8:15, 8:10, 8:05

Ran to the fitness center and it was overcrowded and hot, so made the best of it after finding a 1/2 mile stretch of asphalt (everything else was concrete). I felt pretty decent considering this was my first tempo run in 15 months.

Tempo splits: 8:04, 7:48, 7:48, 7:55, 7:57 (7:56 avg).

Avg HR: 161, max 182

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

1.5m WU

5 mi @ 8:00

1.5m CD

2 miles at tempo, 30 second recovery, 2 miles at tempo, recover, 1 miles at tempo. Tempo pace adjust to 8:15, 8:10, 8:05
