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9 mi


8:08 mi

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<No name>


2 mile warm-up

5 x 0.75 miles @ 7:30-ish to 7:40-ish (whatever the times are on the treadmill

0.25 recovery jog

2 mile cool-down

Did the workout as written. Had an ART appt this morning and was very sore but I didn't want to put the tempo off. The soreness didn't change my gait (that I could tell) and no other issues developed while running, so I just went for it. (The ART appt went great, and I am SO glad I went, even if I have to pay out of pocket. It is so worth it!). HR/ breathing wise this was relatively easy (for a tempo at least). My HR didn't really get into the 160s until the very last 3/4 mile. Every other time I checked it (a coule times after each rep) it was in the high 140s. I dare say this run might have even felt fairly easy if I hadn't just come from ART!

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

2 mile warm-up

5 x 0.75 miles @ 7:30-ish to 7:40-ish (whatever the times are on the treadmill

0.25 recovery jog

2 mile cool-down
