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20 mi


8:26 mi

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<No name>


It was 18 when I started, but 30 when I finished. Definitely felt the impact of the cold at first, but overall, the first half was very comfortable. Dry pavement for most of it, with a few patches of ice here/there that slowed me down. I took a break to get a drink and use the restroom around mile 8 or 9. I didn't get much water, but did manage to eat the fruit chews I'd brought. First half I think I averaged around an 8:35 pace. It felt fairly easy, but a lot of the first stretch is slightly downhill (net elevation loss of 240).

The next 8-9 miles were definitely more difficult because of the slight uphill, a headwind, and I was feeling dehydrated. I could tell that I needed water (besides being really thirsty) when I was trying my darndest to get going faster and my legs just wouldn't cooperate. Definitely had some sluggish miles from 9-11 (9:00 pace). After I hit 11 miles, I tried really hard to pick up the pace, but didn't hit 8:00. Splits were 8:19, 8:05, 8:21, 8:10, 8:20. At that point, I reached the car and was able to get some water. That helped a ton. Next 3 miles were 7:58, 8:00, 7:54. I decided to bump it up to 20 because I was feeling good and the last mile I "jogged it in" at 8:24 (and that was with some uphill stretches!).

The good news was that my hip really didn't bother much, even toward the end, and the final stretch (3 miles) was when I was feeling my strongest.

Training Plan Entry

19 mi

If your 18 miler goes *really* well, we can bump you up to 20--but I want it to go nearly flawlessly.

Last 7 miles at GMP (goal marathon pace): 8:00?? (Come to think of it, what is your time goal?)
