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7.1 mi


8:11 mi

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<No name>


1.85m WU

4x 1200m @ 5:20 (7:09), 400m recovery

1.25m CD

A little hot by Alaska standards, but otherwise felt good. Hip felt ok throughout, which was a relief! Very slow warm up, then drills. Went out a little fast for the first one at 5:06, then 5:17, 5:24, 5:24. I thought I was on pace for those last two as my watch showed a 6:40-6:50 pace every time I checked, but ended up 4 seconds slower than target. Oh well! It was a good hard workout and will help me get stronger!

Training Plan Entry


7 mi

1.5m WU

4x 1200m @ 5:20 (7:09), 400m recovery

1.5m CD
