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10 mi


8:19 mi

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<No name>


Target: 1.5m Wu, 2x 3 mile @ 7:50, 1 mile recovery, 1.5m CD. Very poor sleep night before combined with a late start and poor fueling.....this run felt awful. The warmup even felt hard. Once I started the first 3 mile rep, I started feeling a lot better. That lasted through the entire 3 miles (which was all a slight downhill grade), so I did 7:48, 7:36, 7:36. Recovery at 8:53, then 7:51, 7:53, 7:35. But the catch is that I stopped after every one of those miles to regroup and recover. My legs were just trashed, and my energy level was really low.

Avg HR; 150

Training Plan Entry


10 mi

1.5m Wu, 2x 3 mile @ 7:50, 800m recovery, 1.5m CD
