Run: Tempo Previous Next


9 mi


8:17 mi

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<No name>


2 x [2 miles @ 7:53 0.5 miles @ 7:30, 2 minute recovery jog] . Warmed up two miles and then went into the 5 miles of tempo pace. This felt appropriately difficult, unlike some of the other MP "tempos" I've done recently to work back up to LT pace. HR seemed to hover around 140 in the easy miles, then high 150s/ low 160s for tempo until I got to the 7:30....then it was mid to high 160s, and stayed around 160-165 for the second 2.5 mile set. I was TIRED when this was over, but it felt good to run a little harder. I'll get that speed back in these legs if it's the last thing I ever dooooooooo! :-)

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

2 x [2 miles @ 7:55-ish, 0.5 miles @ 7:30-ish, 2 minute recovery jog]

(Not sure what the exact paces are on the treadmill.)
