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8.5 mi


8:11 mi

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<No name>


2 mile warm up





Inside - 7:45

Total - 8.5 miles, 1:09:29

8:10 avg

Very, very very tough mentally. HR averaged 145 but it was high when I first started. I kept worrying about pushing too hard and ruining chance for good recovery. On top of that, it was gusting 30-40 mph at the track and every time I'd turn into the straightaway I felt like I was standing still at best and on the verge of blowing away. (How fast can anemic run in gale force winds? Answer: not fast.) Went back to the neighborhood after 3 repeats to try there, completed one more mile and decided to take it indoors to the treadmill. That was a relief from wind but not boredom. Haven't run on the treadmill in ages, and felt like I'd forgotten how. Stepped to close the front and nearly fell off. Oy. Decided to only do 5 miles instead of 6. I feel like it was a good call.

Training Plan Entry


10 mi

6x 1 mile @ 7:50 , 400m recovery
