Run: Tempo Previous Next


8.5 mi


8:29 mi

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<No name>


Ran about 1.75 miles to the track and then did some dynamic stretches and jogged to round it out to 2 miles. The concrete sidewalks on the way to the track definitely didn't do my hip any favors. Tried to give this workout a good effort without pushing too hard and making the hip worse. Ran first mile on track in 7:27, took an unscheduled 20 second break to regroup and then ran mile 2 in 7:18. Jogged a quarter mile, then mile 3 in 7:24, jogged a quarter mile, then mile 4 in7:16. Jogged remaining miles home to reach 8.5. I wish I could have done more (and faster) but mentally I was half in / half out of this workout. I still have nagging worries about the hip and not messing things up before Boston, and that kept me from pushing as hard as I could/should. Shuffled home, self protectingly slow, babying the legs on concrete with short small steps.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

1.5 mile warm-up

3 x {1.5 miles @ 7:30, 0.5 mile @ 7:00}

3 minute recovery jog between each one

Cool-down until you reach 9 miles
