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18 mi


8:24 mi

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<No name>


Started out thinking I'd try to run outside at totem pole but brought clothes for the Dome just in case. Glad I did! It was so icy on the roads on the drive down that I made the call to do the run at the Dome instead. The first 7 miles or so were a little iffy. My back has been hurting (it's all related to the hip/glutes and my "stabilizing muscles"), and it was bothering me, along with the hip. The turns are tough on the stabilizers. My toes (on the right side) have also been bugging me on/off, which seemed liked extensor tendonitis. I told myself if the pain didn't subside within 7 miles that I shouldn't complete the full 18. Thankfully by the second half of the run I was feeling much better. Still aware of the trouble spots but nothing that made me too concerned. I switched to far outer lanes so the turns wouldn't be as sharp. I ran the first 9 miles around an 8:35-8:40 pace. Second 9 miles I picked it up and averaged closer to 8:10-8:15, coming in at 8:24 overall.I felt very good and very strong toward the end! I don't feel out of the woods yet with my hip/back, but I think the ART and PT is helping to truly fix it and I'm so pleased I was able to run the full 18 in spite of the issues, without making it any worse.

Training Plan Entry


18 mi

remember to work on good form!
