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20 mi


8:13 mi

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<No name>


Went to the track since it was -8 when I got up to run. Hip and toe (tendonitis) were already hurting before I started, but thankfully nothing too bad. Ran the first 7 miles or so around 8:30 pace. Switched at that point from my Brooks to Asics because the brooks were hurting my toes. Ran the next 6 miles around 8:25 pace. Hip hurt on and off throughout the run, especially on the turns, but by the time I was ready to start my MP miles, I had almost forgotten about it. The faster miles are easier for the hip but harder on the toe and blisters. Did the last 6 miles at an average of 7:45 pace. Took a quick break with 3 miles to go to stretch my calves and try to get my toe to stop hurting. It worked and I was able to speed through the last couple miles close to a 7:30s average.

Training Plan Entry


20 mi

last 7 miles - marathon goal pace of 8:00
