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8:10 AM

112 mi


20.85 mi / hr


131 bpm
156 bpm


60 F
  • Map


Canada Ironman - epic ride! Over 5,100 feet of climbing withtwo mountain passes. Course starts out easy with flat to slightly downhill for first 40 miles. Did best to keep HR under 140 but did get into mid 140s on Richter Pass and also on Yellow Lake. Weather started out pleasant enough, but cold! Was fine until bottom of second pass where it started to rain, lightly at first, but was pouring, hailing, and sleeting by time we were into the pass. Had looked forward to last 13 miles all day - all down hill! But it was scary. Hypothermia, shaking uncontrollably and 40 mph on wet curves is not fun! Rained all the way to the edge of town and I was still shaking uncontrollably until the I got into the run. Overall, awesome ride that went according to plan. Saved the legs for the run. I think I could easily take 20 minutes out of the ride but not sure how it would impact the run. Next time, I'll have to expirement with that in training ahead of race.
