Bike: Easy Previous Next


10:16 AM

11.3 mi


12.97 mi / hr


50 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
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goofin off

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cremah and i did a hack up ta ted's and back. stahted gahmin a bit late and once it was on i left it so some of this is looks really bad. on the way back i had to fuck with rio and i ended up fuckin it up so i fuckin was way behind cremah and so i pushed to catch up for that one mile but mostly we just doo-tee-dood and la-tee-dahd.

drizzle made it a little hahd to see but it was good to have the "traffic exposure" cause i have had none. i can see me bein uneasy about have several bikes all around me and causin a crash....what the fuck am i doin man?
