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10:24 AM

8 mi


9:35 mi


141 lb
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First run of marathon training for Portsmouth now completed. Sure didn't start with an easy session ;-) am glad I have had five days rest in prep for this and the half on Sunday. Am now tired 6 hours later and need a rest, I love annual leave as can do this. Mind you if not on A/L this would of been done after work and then bed...however this has taken a lot out of me and do realize why I am an evening runner. How do people do the hard sessions before work??? I would not manage a days work after an 8 mile temp run, let alone a V02max run....

Well back to the session...need to work on (and keep thinking this) keeping an even pace. While my average was 9 min miles, which is target for coming half, I will not manage this over 13.1 miles if I don't keep it even. I find it easy to find myself at 8 min miles, while not for a long period of time enough to make me tired and not maintain a 9 min mile for long. However if I keep the pace steady at 9 min miles I am more likely to maintain this for the half marathon, though if i go faster, even if for short sprints, this will tire me more quickly. So plan of action for the next few weeks is to concentrate on keeping a steady even 9 min miles or whatever pace and not going up and down and aiming for average pace of 9 min miles over the distance. I NEED to keep to set pace and stay there....
