Run: Easy Previous Next


6:05 AM

3 mi


8:45 mi


211 lb


6 / 10
8 / 10


Felt great. Unfortunately, I also was short on time with quite a bit of GPWA work this morning, so I only got three miles in. Was hoping for more like 5. Looks like I'll have decent weather to get some longer runs in this weekend, though, as the temp is supposed to be rising.

Weight it back over 210 ... not what I was looking for, but I think my Jan. 1 weigh-in was a little low because I was bit dehydrated from the New Year's celebration. Probably didn't help that I got home at 6:45 last night and we were lazy and ordered Chinese. Gotta get back on track here, my first official weigh-in for the New Year's Challenge is this Monday, and I'd hate to be the guy that GAINS weight in the first week!
