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9:00 AM

10 km


9:11 mi


37 F


6 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

994 / 1544 (64.4%)
90 / 116 (77.6%)
679 / 853 (79.6%)


Berbee Derby 2009 10K (#290)

Winds 13G21 MPH

Ran with black pull-over, tights with shorts, tech gloves, and a headband. Initially was very cold before the race, but was nice once we were going. Took off the headband after mile 1.

Took it very steady and had to pass lots of people near the end.

Place Div /Tot Sex /Tot Name No. S Ag City St Split Time Pace Team Name

994 92/118 679/853 BRAD ACKER 290 M 25 MADISON WI 29:15 57:04 9:11 PLAYA4LIFE

995 38/65 314/688 NIKKI JACOBS 291 F 23 MADISON WI 29:16 57:04 9:11 PLAYA4LIFE
