
Date Activity Course Type ▲ Distance Duration Pace  
10/5/2012 Run
Apollo: 1.9 mile Malvern and Great Dane
Easy 1.9 mi 16:32 8:43
10/8/2012 Run
Apollo: 1.9 mile Malvern and Great Dane
Easy 1.9 mi 17:10 9:03
10/10/2012 Run
Apollo: 1.9 mile Malvern and Great Dane
Easy 1.9 mi 16:08 8:30
10/16/2012 Run
Apollo: 1.9 mile Malvern and Great Dane
Easy 1.9 mi 15:43 8:17
10/17/2012 Run
Apollo: 1.9 mile Malvern and Great Dane
Easy 1.9 mi 15:29 8:09
10/22/2012 Run
Apollo: 1.9 mile Malvern and Great Dane
Easy 1.9 mi 15:41 8:26