Run: Hill Previous Next


3:30 PM

6.5 mi


8:15 mi


150 lb


6 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


This was my first hill run of the year and the beginning of part of my strength training. Today I ran the ~3.3 mile Georgia Mountain loop twice, eventually I'm planning on building up to 3 or 4, probably 4, loops as my mileage begins to ramp up. My legs started out real tight and tired just like yesterday, I feel that this is the way all my weekday runs are going to begin from now on. Anyway, the first ascent up GM wasn't quite enough to loosen my legs up so the climb wasn't as fast as I would have liked, the resulting downhill was none to fast either. By the time I began the second trip up my legs were quite tired from the first part of the run and work, so once again it wasn't quite as fast as I would have liked. Lesson learned from all this is I'm going to move this run to the weekend so my legs don't have to deal with being tight from a days work.

Side note:

Each loop is an out and back with roughly 400 feet of elevation change in about a mile and a half. The run has the possibility of being extended another quarter to half a mile, adding maybe another 50 - 75 feet of elevation.
