Run: Easy Previous Next


12:30 PM

3.5 mi


8:13 mi


175 lb


43 F
  • Map

<No name>


What the...

No idea where this pace came from. Had to take Mom to a procedure this morning and planned to run the bayfront on this perfect December day but wasn’t allowed to leave the parking lot (or sit in waiting room #covid2020)

Anyways sat in car for hours and then got home having not had food since an English muffin at 730

Hammy still sore

But did shorts and a long sleeve, felt good, got into a rhythm quickly and the time just kept dropping. Was surprised to see 8:30s early and then watched it go down.

Just missed the 3.5 PR by 4 seconds from early September, so yea, where did this come


Was pretty beat by the end, HR was a good avg at 163 but definitely in the 180s the last half, cadence was impressive too 174

1/2 14:43 2nd 14:01

1: 8:28.7

2: 8:15.9

3: 7:59.7

3.5: 4:00.0 (7:57 pace)
