Run: Easy Previous Next


10:25 AM

3 mi


10:25 mi


175 lb
  • Map

<No name>


Phew this was tough. Heel is hurting, that Saturday run in the track had some consequences, also it’s 85 and Sarah had open gym and it’s the first day of coaching basketball so it’s 85 degrees, bah. The track was occupied so did vineyard loops, hopefully the dirt road isn’t too bad or the impact. It definitely hurt more running today as opposed to being sore so I need to be careful not to push and I didn’t. Slower pace but good Candace (mid/upper 170s). Hoped that’d help with HR but it still got into the 190s. Avg was slightly less than the 170 it’s been at 167z

Anyways week 5, will slow down or repeat a week if necessary as it’s only a 6 week plan. 5 x 1 walk/5 run and finished out the 3 miles
