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8:15 AM

6.3 mi


9:35 mi


175 lb


63 F
  • Map

<No name>


Phew! This was rough in so many ways. 2 miles more than I’ve done since I restarted

So tmi upcoming, had Chipotle last night and did my new 2 mile vineyard/pavement loop and after lap 1 I couldn’t take it with about 1/4 to go but made it home for a pit stop…fun and fortunate haha

Anywho that’s never and easy to thing to ease back into and that had already forced my HR to 180 so the last 4 miles was a struggle but I’m thrilled with the pace. It would sneak into the 10s on the uphills through the vineyards esp on the last lap when I just needed a minute break to finish. Had passing thoughts of stopping at 6 knowing I had to go uphill to finish but pushed through and finished well

1/2 ~30:20 2nd ~30:04

1: 9:46.9

2: 9:22

3: 9:44

4: 9:23:8

5: 9:58.1

6: 9:21

6.3: 2:47.9 (9:09 pace)
