Run: Easy Previous Next


9:30 AM

2.6 mi


8:13 mi


175 lb


55 F
  • Map

<No name>


Phew! This was a good one. Intended to take today off after the quick linger one yesterday but I couldn’t resist the weather. Shorts and a T-shirt woo.

Blazed through this one, the wind was wild coming back through the vineyards and I was spent by then. Was wondering if I would crack my segment top 3 but no go.

But that meant the wind was at my back going down Davison and that was great. Max pace was a 7:07 and HR 163 and cadence 175. Definitely was huffing by the end.

Not sure what I’ll do the rest of the week, I need the extra day but do I want to take 2 in a row and it’ll be nice again tomorrow morning before dropping Saturday back to the 30s.

1: 8:56.5

2: 7:38.5

2.6: 4:44.8 (7:52 pace)
