Run: Easy Previous Next


3.1 mi


8:35 mi


140 lb
  • Map

<No name>


I went for my run last night. It was a good night for a run or at least I thought it would be. We had some really dark clouds to the north that looked to be heading that way. It was nice and dry so I went for my run. It was one of those runs where I thought I was just on the edge of the bad weather. As I was running I headed north and I felt a couple of rain drops but nothing major. I knew I would not be going north for long. So I started to head east and the sun suddenly was gone. You would think at this moment I would realize my mistake.

So I keep running and then as I am heading south it starts to rain harder. Okay I can live with this but how is this happening. I suddenly realize like the idiot I am that the storm is moving south east not north east. Duh. So I decide I can run in rain no big deal I have done that a bunch of times.

So a couple of minutes later it started to Hail. That was not fun, not fun at all. Very painful. I felt like I was under attack. At first I thought some crazy punk kids where hitting me with rocks but then quickly realized it was hail. Luckily I was doing a loop that was close to a school and ducked under that after getting pelted for a few minutes. I was planning on doing three loops but only got one in. I later went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. I take pride that I will run in all types of weather but I found out that hail is not something I care to run in ever again.
