Run: Easy Previous Next


7:56 PM

16.2 km


10:09 mi


74.2 kg
142 bpm
170 bpm
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Yandi Oval

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"Observation is a passive science, experimentation an active science."

-Claude Bernard

So tonight was my official farewell from the mine site that's been my home for 6 1/2 years. After last nights experimentation with drinking then running I was anxious to try it again *lol*

If you've never worked on a remote Pilbara desert mine site, you'll never understand the culture and social customs. Everyone did their very best to try and get me drunk so that I wouldn't run tonight after the get together :) This is called "fun" :) I had five Wild Turkey & Cola pre-mix bottles (@ 1.7 standard drinks per bottle, that's 8.5 standard drinks). I did commit the ultimate sin, however, and leave two additional bottles that had been bought for me undrunk, while I said I was going to the loo and snuck away from the party, which I'm sure I'll hear about tomorrow :)

My pre-run blood alcohol count was 0.074, about 50% over legally drunk. What really surprised me was that I still registered 0.025bac after a ten mile 1:40 run! (we have tester units in our laundries).

Performance wise, I found myself trying very hard (and successfully) to not chuck up around the 5km mark *lol* I did not find the same performance boost on 5 bottles as I did on 3 last night.

Anyway, still got it done, the run streak is still alive, and I'm still on target for my 300 mile month :)

Ken's #100DayRunStreak

Day 44: 16.17km

Total: 557.86km

Training Plan Entry


5 km

Treadmill @ 3%
