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4:45 PM

7.2 mi


I felt super tired in the beginning, not my legs, but more my head cause I only got 6 hours of sleep and worked 8.5 hours. But after about 25 minutes my mind finally woke up and the rest of my body did and the run started to go well. I noticed that my body has changed since I came back from Spain. In Spain I would do more days of shorter runs so when I first ran in VT I would go out much faster and die by the end. But now when I go out I end up going really slow (not by choice - I just can't go faster) for the first mile or mile and a half and then I pick it up and by the end I could sprint home if I wanted to. That's what happened today cause as I turned the last corner to go home it started to rain so I sprinted the rest of the way back and felt amazing. So when I race this fall I'll definitely have to make sure I do a good warmup.
