Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:30 PM

4.2 mi


6:44 mi


7 / 10
8 / 10
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4+ miles at arc. planned on doing 4 or 5 miles, ended up doing 4 at pace followed by an easy mile to cool down. stretched well afterward whilst staring at a really attractive girl also stretching. i think that the really fast quarter miler (with a crazy name that starts with g) got on the track right after i was done. good workout, did 20min of biking beforehand, so quite pleased with pace on this cold-ass week. i should keep on working on faster paced runs if i want to run a quick half. honestly, 4 at this pace didn't feel fast or past aerobic capacity or anything. some more miles and i'll get nice and efficient at this pace. throw on some lighter shoes and i'll be near the half pace i want.
