Run: Recovery Previous Next


10:00 AM

8.5 mi


8:23 mi


7 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map



Good! A solid, challenging group run with a few different squirrel families on the trail. They are especially busy this time of year. I missed the 0530 human group run this a.m. so started out later on my own. I'm glad I did! The temperature was mild and the sun was out. I started at Flat Branch with cheers from a few homeless people and headed out to Forum. I kept at it till 8.5 miles & then walked off the last half mile. It felt so nice to run again as this is my first run since Sat. The trail was beautiful and I just wanted to keep going. I pushed the pace a little just because it felt good to push & it probably kept me from going too far out anyway. I am calling this a "Recovery Run" and my close friends who read this will understand why.

8:54 8:32 8:31 8:23 8:18 8:03 8:10 8:08 4:08 (.5)
