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6:30 AM

12.1 mi


9:00 mi


8 / 10
5 / 10
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Gee Whiz this was tough! Ugh. 12 easy miles on the trail and it was hard. My left leg is a bother again and I just didn't have it today. Maybe too much this past week, plus the leg. I probably need to rest a little more. I am glad to get 12 on the books again though, and in spite of my discomfort, it was as good as usual to get out, be out, and share time with friends. Maria, Jordan, Dan and I started out and did 2 before meeting the 0700 group at MLK - then just out and back. It was our first really chilly Sat. so that might have played a part in it too, but I hate to think that and don't want to use that as an excuse since I'm in for many, many more "chilly" runs in the upcoming months. I ran most of the last 10 with Maria & Jordan.

9:42 9:14 8:50 8:37 8:32 8:52 8:53 9:05 9:04 9:04 9:02 8:58
