Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:44 PM

6 mi


8:13 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Wow! This was great! I was hoping for about 5 miles with a couple in the 8 min. pace range for another mini tempo run, but I got even more so I'm very pleased. The weather was warm, and just a tad damp which set perfectly for me. The trail was green and beautiful. All the conditions were right to really enjoy this run and that I did. Met Dan at Stadium and we walked for a bit before trying to run. Dan's back is bothering him though so we just walked a bit more and then I went ahead and started my run with IPOD Shuffle. I felt warm and full of energy. Nothing hurt, and I just enjoyed the movement of the run. It was a happy feeling. I had to keep slowing myself down for the the first mile and even at that an 835 is too fast for a warm up for me if I want to have a longer/stronger run, but holding back was almost impossible. I'm pleased with the next 3 miles especially since I had only planned for 2 at that pace. Admittedly, I was pretty toasted at that pace at the 2.75 point, but I really wanted to push through. Even my cool down miles were faster than I would have expected. Of course Dan S. helped me with the pace the last mile as he came alongside and before I realized it I was trying to keep up! (very temporarily).
