Run: Race Previous Next


5:30 PM

3.1 mi


7:59 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

94 / 1443 (6.5%)
1 / 74 (1.4%)
10 / 831 (1.2%)
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Changed time to reflect official chip time.

Finally getting to notes:

Well, what total FUN! Met folks before hand which was awesome - Stephanie & her hub, Andy & Nicole, Sid & Steve, of course, and a host of other Running Party Members. We took group photos and got to know each other IN PERSON! Yay! I lined up with Andy (Chandler) & he talked about how this all goes since he'd done it last year. Very cool to chat in person. It was fun. We did about the first mile together. I was really just having a great time so I picked it up just a touch because it was there. Freaky though thinking that I had to run 19 miles with the 1st 6 at a time limit the very next a.m. so I just wasn't sure what to do so kind of held back. Met Mark after & then saw Andy finishing. Sid & Steve's limo & police escort for Mile 10 Pasta Feed at Fairborn was ready and waiting. We, (Mark and I) however, were off to the National Museum of the Air Force at Wright-Patt to have our pasta feed under the wings of a B-52! Rush, rush, rush. This was an action packed weekend starting with the Breakfast of Champions & Dean Karnazes this a.m. We were all about the rush, and that was part of the fun. I had no idea I would place especially since I was holding back, but this run was really just tons of good times. Oh - and I got a 3 star for the medal presentation!!!
