Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:21 AM

7 mi


8:09 mi


Mizuno (1)


7 / 10
10 / 10
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I am thrilled with this run. I wanted a 1 mile w/u & 5 miles tempo & a 1 mile cool down and that's exactly what I got. I have not done 5 miles at a tempo pace in ages, and I wanted to see if I could do it. Ideally, I was shooting for a sub 8 for the tempo paces, but knew I wouldn't be completely happy unless I could pull at least at 750 & less. I also wanted my last mile to be strong. Well, it was all right on target. It's funny, really -- one 750 & two 749s (couldn't get much closer than that to my ideal) but then there's the 746 and then the lovely mile 5 at 737! (Isn't she pretty :) ).

I went out a little later this a.m. I am alone now for these, and I really didn't want to be out there in the pitch dark this a.m., and I was afraid that dark & fear would affect my pace time. I'll have to get over that soon, but I babied myself today. There were a ton of people in the parking lot when I arrived at Stadium. The Law Enforcement Academy people were gathering for their a.m. run - talking about how early it was! I left before they did and then never saw them again. They were all gone when I got back.

I didn't want any hills or weird stuff for this run so I drove to Stadium and just started from there and headed past Scott & turned around. This run went very quickly for me. Sure, it was a push, but not a bad push. Mostly it felt good, but good hard work. It was probably the perfect tempo run for me, and I am grateful.
