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6:30 AM

18 mi


8:48 mi


4 / 10
9 / 10


Yes! This was good, and a lot easier than I expected. Met Leslie at 6:30 and we did about 3 before almost meeting up with the 0700 group. We were behind the group for a while, but at one point we saw an opportunity to divert so we could catch up with them. Caught up with Peggy & Nikki who said Maria had gone back to look for us. We had missed each other somehow. So, Leslie & I turned back to try to find Maria. We never did find her, but I found $20.00! Stilll, would have rather found Maria! We continued on . Leslie did awesome, especially considering she is just coming off a foot injury. It was wonderful to run with her again! Now she knows she can do Chicago! We kept a good pace even tho this course has it's hills and unfriendly parts. I didn't get tired or weary at any point. I had regular GU at 6 miles, super GU at 12 miles and popped a few super sports beans around 15 - 16. Dinner last nite was spagetti & b'fast this a.m. was oatmeat w/ applesauce & a little protein drink. Got up, ate & was moving around 2 hrs. prior to the run. Looking at these splits, and knowing my past experiences, I'm pretty sure I need to take the first 3 miles of the marathon slow & then let mysef settle into a 8:50 - 9:00 pace for the bulk. The idea is that I will then have enough left at the end to push the pace a bit. Still, though, I've never done it for 26.2 miles so it's scary!! It is very scary to allow myself to start out so slowly, but I know that's what works for me. I'm still loving my little water bottle so I have a plan I'm comfortable with for hydration and logistics at aid stations.

9:41 9:25 9:28 8:30 8:36 8:40 8:41 8:51 8:47 8:49 8:44 8:42 8:26 8:45 9:03 8:27 8:15 8:03
