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7:06 AM

7 mi


9:15 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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A beach run! Paradise on earth. Left Bilmar and went south, but there wasn't much of the paved trail left so I just ran through the sand to the beach. I went out a ways as far as was reasonable right on the beach & then turned - stayed on the sand so I could be right next to the water. I had the Gulf in one ear and Pandora's light 70s rock in the other. Ran out as far as the bridge to Maderia & John's Pass. Went over the bridge & had a mile left so just ran out .5 and back to end at John's Pass. I wouldn't call this an easy run - again, I felt like I was working, but then I was on the sand. I was on the packed part, however so I didn't think it would make much difference, but when I finally did reach pavement again it did feel a lot easier so likely I got a pretty good workout. Stopped there and walked along the Boardwalk. Got a smoothie out there and watched the fishermen haul in their catch - I asked - grouper and snapper. BIG fishes! None of them looked very happy. After some time on the Boardwalk I headed back over the bridge, back to the beach, and then took my running shoes off and walked back to Bilmar tootsies in the water! Soooo nice. I took lots of time doing this too. Yesterday was cloudy and cool (upper 60s), but today is sunny and 70s. They say home is where the heart is - I've always struggled with that saying - never really understood it. Today, as I was walking along the beach here I thought that maybe home is where your peace is. Maybe that's all I can understand. That's ok. :)
