Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8:30 AM

10.5 mi


6:21 mi




30 F


9 / 10
9 / 10


I had no clue what I was going to do for a run when I headed out the door. I was just going to go by feel. So the first few miles were spent getting my legs warmed up. Then, when I crossed Fabyan I hit about a 1/2 mile long hill that I decided to run hard. As I hit the top of the hill I decided that it would be a good day for a fartlek so I spent the next 6 miles doing random pick ups that I didn't time. I'm assuming most of them were 300-600m long. Basically any time I hit a block that seemed uphill I'd go hard and then I'd slow down but try and keep it honest until I found another place to pick it up. The only pick up I timed was my last one. I know its exactly 1 mile from Fabyan to Wilson while running on Western Ave. It's a net uphill and the wind was in my face but I still hit 5:52. Judging by how that pace felt compared to the rest of my pick ups, I would assume I was going about 5:30 pace on my fastest pickups but no slower than 6 flat during them. I hit the 9 mile mark of this run in 55:29 (right when my last fartlek finished) and then had a nice easy 1.5 mile cool down back to my house.
