Run: Easy Previous Next


2.1 mi


9:58 mi

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<No name>


Went up to Sutter's landing with not much plan in mind. My rough idea of the run was to do 4 miles, but also a fartlek. I had this itch of a feeling about 5 minutes in to just follow the trail and do an easy run, but then decided I ought to do a sort of loop and try doing some repeats at 10k pace. I blew up after the second rep and just went back to the car and drove home, ate a little lunch. I think my body was trying to tell me what it wanted, but I didn't listen. I think I'm probably not really ready for "fartlek" workouts, or 10k pace, or anything like that.

Maybe I can claw together some motivation later today to finish out the day's mileage, because I can still feel that my legs have more in them, but mentally I need to just take it slow.
