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1500 m


4:25 mi

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<No name>


I guess I'll log these here with some extra context not on strava.

Strava post: Needed this. Best post-collegiate race (hands down) and 4th (?) fastest 1500 ever. Got a bit emotional after the race and on the cooldown - after probably being at probably the lowest point running wise I ever have been 3 months ago and coming off a 4:40 mile, I proved to myself today that there is still hope. I just need to stay focused and keep doing what I have been.

Race tactics wise, the only part of the race that went well was the part where I tucked into third and sat there for most of the race. The first 300m and last 400m was just bad execution and likely due to lack of recent race experience.

Bonus points: just off my seed of 4:06.24 and got a Leagues Q.

Still have some more racing to do today

Added context:

My last lap was really the only bad part. I thought the first 300 was bad but in hindsight it wasnt. It was "bad" bc I was last off the start and ran in lane 2-3, but I reacted quickly to it in put myself in a good position so I guess I cant be too upset. I was definitly gassed into the last lap but main issue was I got cut off multiple times and when you are gassed, trying to sprint, and your stride keeps getting broken its really hard to get the momentum back.

Amazed at how fresh I felt heading into this race despite still being around 80 mi (rolling). I think lift has been super helpful allowing me to increase volume without really any negative impacts. M


joe pisacano

This post has given me hope for a possible sub 15 5k attempt if I move back East before I'm 30 and finish my surfing career in San Diego


may need to lose some of your muscle, consumes a lot of oxygen

joe pisacano

True. That won't be too hard if I stop lifting and replace with running. Either way. It's good to know I still could have some good years left.