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4:30 PM

4200 m


4:08 mi


7 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


Worked out with the Way today. It was good. I always love doing faster stuff. The plan was to do 600s and 400s, but after the first 6 Sean had us do all 400s for the rest of the workout. I think a lot of guys looked like they were struggling. And the 400s were good. Did 9 of em mostly 61-62. And it felt great. I really felt like I could bang out 62s all day, which is good. If I wanna run sub 4:08, I have to feel comfortable running strait 61s. Then I did steeple stuff. Super low mileage day for me, but I just couldn't bring myself to do much of a cool down after steeple. I just felt pretty worn out, and it was pretty late. But I worked hard today regardless of mileage. I should stop worrying about mileage so much and focus more on just working hard.

600: 1:36

9X400: 62, 62, 62, 61, 63, 61, 62, 60, 57

Sleep: 6 hours (1:30-7:30) +1.5 hours (10:30-12)
