Run: Hill Previous Next


4:30 PM

4 mi


5:15 mi


172 bpm



6 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


Second Wilson workout. And it went much better than the first. group 1 did mile, k, mile, k, mile, and group 2 did everything the same except for the middle mile. And I felt good about how I did. I was middle of the pack on the first 2 reps and close to the front at the second 2. I felt like I could attack the hill so much better than last week. After the repeats we did "hill charges" as Piane calls them, and I liked those. It was basically just 100 uphill hard, then jog back down. After those Jeremy and JP talked to the team about the season and that got me excited for things to come. #ijustreallywannabefast

Sleep: 7 hours (12:30-7:30)
