Run: Easy Previous Next


3:30 PM

9 mi


6:54 mi


156 bpm



3 / 10
3 / 10
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<No name>


Another distance day. Really tried to keep this one easy, and I didn't want to go too much longer than an hour, because I'm already on pace for a very high mileage week. My hip bugged me for a little bit in the middle, but nothing major. Did hurdles and strides after. I was a tiny bit tentative about hurdles, because I went to steeple practice this morning, but it was fine. We don't do that many hurdles anyway. Steeple practice was good. We tried the water barrier concept for the first time today. My form over that and all the other hurdles is not very good, but if I practice it twice a week from now til outdoor, I will have no problems with form. I should have gotten great sleep last night, but I stayed up talking to Joey. I made up for that a little bit by grabbing a perfect 35 minute nap today. I should definitely be able to get 8 hours tonight. Beautiful Bane Park tomorrow.

Sleep: 6.5 hours (1-7:30)
