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4:30 PM

4500 m


4:47 mi



8 / 10
8 / 10
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<No name>


Today was the famous Hi C Relays. It was just as fun as I expected it to be. Hi C is a 2 man relay team covering 6 miles. In our case it's a lot less than 6, because we didn't have a mile loop. We had one that we guesstamated at 1500m. I think it might be a tiny bit longer, but anyway, we switch after each mile, so it ends up being:

3X1500 @ Fast w/ 4:20 rest (more if you're with someone slower)

I was really happy with my effort. I was the fastest freshman (Marco was sick and ran like 5 minutes, Kris is having hamstring issues and didn't run) But I definitely held my own with the older guys. My partner was DJ and he was great. If I didn't have him, I wouldn't have finished very high, but we got third. Walter and Happe were paired, and there was no way anyone was going to beat them, and then Jeremy and Milling were good too, because Scott ran well and obviously it's hard to compete with a 3:38 guy. But anyway, my splits were: 4:26, 4:28, 4:28. I was one of the most consistent guys, which I liked. Overall a super solid day. Then we did a pretty long cool down that included a small swim that I wasn't super fond of. #butigotfreeshortssoeverythingisokay

Sleep: 6.5 hours (I was on track to get 8, but it took a long time to get to sleep initially and I was awake from 3-4)
