Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:30 PM

7800 m


5:05 mi


180 bpm


7 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


So today was an interesting workout. It was the first thing we've done on the track all season. It was 1200 at 5:00 pace, 3 miles at 5:15, and a 1200 at 5:00 pace, all continuous. And it started off good. The 1200 felt pretty comfortable, and then the first part of the tempo wasn't bad, except that my shin started killing me. It's the same problem I've had in the past that just seems to come up every time I do long amounts of running on a track. So after a mile and a half of the tempo part I pulled off and tried really hard to stretch it and rub it. And that helped a lot. I jumped back in on the next lap and finished the workout with Scott and Tim. And I'm happy that I was able to do that, but it still sucks that I had to stop.

1200- 3:47

1.5 miles~ 5:14 pace

1.25 miles~ 5:09 pace

1200- 3:44

After the older guys got back from their longer workout they took a break, and then we did a 1000 that ended up being pretty fast. I had probably 20 minutes rest for it, but I was still happy with a hard fast effort at the end of the workout.

1000- 2:42

After dinner I talked to Jeremy about my goals for this year and that was really positive. I'm really glad I did it, and talking to him definitely helped. Main thing at this point is just to stay healthy through cross and get ready for indoor. #DMRhereIcome

Sleep: 7 hours (12:30-7:30)
