Run: Easy Previous Next


4:00 PM

7 mi


6:52 mi


3 / 10
3 / 10
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<No name>


Good pre race day. Just an easy run the day before a race. I didn't want to go too short, but also I want to be fresh for tomorrow. Felt pretty good. Did some strides after the run, and surprisingly enough I felt pretty explosive, which is great since my race tomorrow is going to be so short. Gotta have that speed. Looks like it's just me, Marco, and one other dude. And I have no idea if he's good or not. But we will find out shortly. I'm gonna race tomorrow, run another few days into next week and take a few days off late next week. But I can't give myself too much down time, because I have to be putting in a lot of work over break so that I'm in good shape when we come back.

Sleep: 7.5 hours (12-7:30) Really frustrated about my sleep last night. I was in bed by 10:30 with my eyes closed by 10:50, but I don't think I got to sleep until close to midnight. I'll just have to try again tonight to get to sleep early.
