Run: Hill Previous Next


8:30 AM

9.2 mi


6:38 mi


152 bpm



4 / 10
4 / 10
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<No name>


Ran at Highbanks with Chris Quinn. My last run in Ohio for a while. Felt pretty good. It's always good to have a running partner and it makes me not think about how my body is feeling, and I would say that's a good thing most of the time. So as always, running at Highbanks is hilly and we did 6 hill strides after about 23 minutes. I honestly have no idea how long they were, but I'm guessing it's somewhere in the 100-150m range. Those were good, hard. Then we ran about 30 more minutes after that. Overall just a solid day. Leaving for South Bend today. I'll be staying in a hotel, before getting on campus tomorrow morning and moving in. I can't wait. This is so exciting! Chris gave me Jeremy's number so hopefully tomorrow or this weekend I can run with him or some other upper classmen. #imalmostarealirishboy

Sleep: 7 hours (12-7)
