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4:30 PM

2.8 mi


4:37 mi


9 / 10
9 / 10
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<No name>


Hard, fast workout on the golf course today. We did Mile, 1000, 1000, 800 with about 2:30 rest between each rep. And I had a good workout. Not a great workout, but a good one. I was just behind the front pack on the mile, with the front pack on the first 1000, I fell back pretty far on the second 1000, and then was right behind the front pack on the 800. the 800 was a little bit of a mental victory for me, because I could have slowed down and let myself fall back very easily, but I grinded through it and pushed myself harder than I have in a while. I think I forget how to push myself to the limit sometimes, but I honestly almost did that at the end of this workout.

Mile: 4:39

1000: 2:52

1000: 3:04

800: 2:15

Ready for a could days easy and then a good race on Friday.

Sleep: 7.5 hours (12-7:30)
