Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:30 AM

8 mi


6:15 mi



3 / 10
3 / 10
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<No name>


Really good effort for today. Ran from McNamara park, which is almost right in the middle of the 3C bike path, which is around 4 miles long. I warmed up 2 miles one way, tempo'd for 3.25 back the other way and kept going for about a half mile on my cool down before turning around and going back. I was super happy with how it went. The warm up was around 6:40-6:50 pace, and the cool down was probably 6:50-7:00. The first mile of tempo was 5:42, the second was 5:30, and the last mile and a quarter was at 5:12 pace. The first two miles felt pretty good. Not overly forced. The last part was hard, but I felt like it was about time I actually pushed myself on a run. #ifeelreallyfit

Sleep: 7.5 hours (12-7:30) (+1:30 nap yesterday)
