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4:30 PM

4.3 mi


4:51 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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<No name>


I finally feel like the old Jake is back. The one who used to have very good workouts feeling smooth. The one that used to run fast but under control. I have felt kinda helpless and out of control during a lot of workouts this year, just trying to run as fast as I can and hold on to the guys running ahead of me. And there was a little bit of that today the first 2 miles, but I felt like I was myself today. I felt like I was in control of my body. And I loved it. That's several good workouts in a row for me, so hopefully I'm ready to go fast on Friday.

2 miles - 9:53 (4:48)

mile - 4:47

2X1000 - 3:02, 2:52
