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4:30 PM

3 mi


5:14 mi


184 bpm



6 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


First workout with the ND team. It was pretty easy just 3 mile repeats on a grass loop. Pretty flat, but the footing wasn't the best. We had like 2 minutes rest after the first one, and a lot time after the second. Probably like 9 minutes. They felt pretty good. Hard, but totally under control. I wanted to do one more at the end, but I know I need to be cautious of overdoing it. It was hot as hell, so that probably slowed things down. The times seemed slow, but we weren't going a whole lot slower than the top group, so I guess that's good.

3XMile: 5:20, 5:10, 5:12

I felt like I could have gone way faster on the last one, but the guys really stressed staying together and not pushing it too hard, so I didn't. After we did core. A little more than yesterday, but still not that much. We got chocolate milk at the end, which was delicious. #cantwaitforHiC

Sleep: 7 hours (12:30-7:30)
