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4:30 PM

4 mi


5:08 mi


7 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


Not a great workout for me, but not a bad one. We did 2X2Mile at Bane, and it just kinda felt harder than expected. For the first one I think I just barely negative split, because I was falling off the back a little after a mile, but came back toward the front at the end. Then we took like 4 minutes rest and did it again, and again I was falling off the back at a mile. Tim and Scott broke away and ran decently fast, and I was behind a lot of people, but my last 1000 or so was good and I passed some guys and came on strong toward the end, but it felt like I was going faster than I was, because I didn't negative split. I was about even. So not great for me, but it could have been much worse.


10:10 (5:05), 10:19 (5:09)

Sleep: 7.5 hours (12-7:30)
