Run: Long Previous Next


1:00 PM

16.5 mi


9:06 mi


141 lb


38 F


7 / 10
5 / 10


Turned into a craptastic long run due to the cold air, which is killing me. Also, the skiing fatigue really got me today. Totally crapped out after 12 miles, and lugged it on home thru the grey cold of Rochester. Yuk.

Total Time (h:m:s) 2:33:33 9:42 pace

Moving Time (h:m:s) 2:24:55 9:10 pace

Distance (mi ) 15.81

Moving Speed (mph) 6.5 avg. 14.7 max.

Elevation Gain (ft) +738 / -739

Avg. Heart Rate 123 bpm Zone 2.7

Temperature (°F) 37.4°F avg. 37.4°F high

Wind Speed ( mph) SE 6.3 avg. SE 6.9 max.

1 11:37 1.00 11.4 110 175 104

2 10:48 1.00 6.9 106 117 110

3 12:34 1.00 6.9 102 119 109

4 13:28 1.00 8.7 100 132 102

5 12:00 1.00 8.9 121 142 109 With Jane for the first 5

6 7:26 1.00 9.8 142 152 110 Trying to go MP, but failing

7 7:42 1.00 8.9 144 152 112

8 8:11 1.00 8.5 138 151 110

9 7:40 1.00 9.4 145 155 112

10 8:00 1.00 10.1 143 150 113

11 8:01 1.00 8.9 141 146 111

12 8:27 1.00 8.9 138 147 111

13 10:10 1.00 8.7 123 143 106 Giving up on the climbs

14 10:17 1.00 8.5 125 147 107

15 9:21 1.00 7.8 122 137 109

16 7:46 0.73 7.6 118 137 81
